Pledge & Shed

Help Randy, help others

A 1 Year Challenge

How much weight can Randy lose in one year? Let’s find out — and raise money at the same time

One day after the 13th annual Vermont Summer Classic, Randy was brainstorming one thing: How can we raise even more money for SlamT1D?

Well, we have an answer…

What’s The Latest?

Rucking Through 75 Hard

My goal is 100 pledges before January 1. Can you help me? Please click this link for more information.[…]

The (Slow) Journey Has Begun

We have 12 pledges in the books. Only 88 pledges to go before Jan. 1! Help me hit my[…]

A Year-Long Weight Loss Challenge

I returned home from the 13th annual Vermont Summer Classic in Vermont two weeks ago. After another successful weekend[…]

What is SlamT1D?

SLAMT1D, Inc. is a nonprofit organization supporting children, families and adults living with T1D (Type 1 diabetes).

Every year, SlamT1D hosts a wiffleball tournament at Little Fenway Park in Essex, Vt., to raise money for kids and families battling the deadly disease.

How can you help?

Randy is looking for 100 pledges before Jan. 1, 2025.

Will you be one of them?

Donate any dollar amount you want now with no money down. Pledge your money per pound lost. When Randy weighs in on Friday, Aug. 8, 2025 — the first day of the 14th annual Vermont Summer Classic — that weight will represent each pledge’s donation amount.

If a pledge is $2 and Randy loses 27 pounds by Aug. 8, 2025, the pledger will pay $54 ($2 x 27) to SlamT1D.

If a pledge is $5 and Randy loses 15 pounds by Aug. 8, 2025, the pledger will pay $75 ($5 x 15) to SlamT1D.

Ready to pledge? Click the button below!


Got questions or are you ready to make a pledge?

Reach out to Randy below!